Gremo v hribe: Blegoš

Gremo v hribe: Blegoš

Blegoš (1562 m) – one more beautiful hill in our EVS collection. It was the easiest hike ever, probably, because we were delivered by cars on a quite high height. :) This time we had a very big hiked team: 5 EVSes, 5 Slovenians and a dog.


  • try not to follow signs which lead to the local mountain hut (a place to eat), otherwise you could miss a nice top of the hill;
  • pay attention to many bunkers in that area, which were built for defensive reasons and have never been used;
  • if you find an anthill and you have a running nose – put your hand on the anthill for a few seconds and then smell your hand, it might cure you;
  • use the spray against “klop” (tick)… the season of ticks has been started. :-)