Free food time!
One of the happiest moments of EVS life is getting (good) food for free! :-) Well, I don’t want to say that I’m looking for it but when it happens I have a feeling “Miracles happen”.
The story: Matjaž was invited for one presentation of National Agency in Ljubljana to present his summer EVS project. But he was so kind as took Silvia and me with him. We helped him a little bit with the presentation table and pictures. Then there was a performance in Slovenian (which I didn’t understand) and after that The Party has started, the food was delicious and for all kinds of tastes! We also met some EVS from Maribor and I even tried to teach some of them to juggle.
After this event we went to see Christmas decoration of Ljubljana, we met again Katarina and her friend + we went to Metlkova for a Rock concert. Now I really understood that before going to the concert I should listen to the band in advance %) to make sure if I like it or not. On the way back home we drove some guys from Ostriga, and at that evening I’ve clearly heard Slovenian curse word which starts from “P” and is exactly the same as Russian one… Now I hear it everywhere, but it’s strange that for 20 days of staying in Slovenia I didn’t notice this word at all.